  • Athletes Off-Field Adjustments
    Professional and world-class amateur athletes regularly rely on chiropractic care to preserve their well-being and optimize their performance. Chiropractic care offers a natural way to treat and prevent many different ailments that often Read more
  • Treating Painful Back Spasms
    The “garden variety” back pain that may arise after shoveling a little too much or over-exercising is usually caused by muscle or ligament problems that are related to weakness in the lower Read more
  • A Wristed Development
    A Wristed Development Every golfer strives to make solid contact with the ball. Because the grip of the hand is the body’s only connection to the club, wrist action is a critical Read more
  • Pathways to Health
    In this era of escalating health costs, it is preferable to maintain health than to ignore it and risk a health crisis. In accepting responsibility for one's own health, there Read more
  • Oh My Aching Hips!
    Aching Hips Located in joints throughout the body, “bursae” are fluid-filled sacs that are positioned between bones and soft tissues, acting as cushions to help reduce friction. “Bursitis” results when a Read more
  • From Niggling to Nagging Leg Pain
    When minor niggling pain in a buttock develops into a nagging pain that shoots down the back of the leg into the toes, the condition known as “sciatica” is probably Read more

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Petersen Chiropractic Center


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1p - 5p





